
Pat's Best Card

So sorry- Could not resist this total lift from Roland Topor (won't be missed)...

Happy St. Patrick's Day
Damn! This would have made the rats very hungry.


Lots of Help

Hey, I wish I could "resign" then I could "retire" some place cool and.....HA!!!! Who wants to see a guy with red horns and a three-foot long sex in the steam room?? No use asking Him; I tried that once before and it didn't turn out good. I'll have a Lot more to say about Benedict later.
Our First Lesson comes from the Old Testament, which makes it better. Protesters are the worst thing that can happen to an infallible God/King. Watch out for those flying boogers! I'm always ready to help; This is a before/after situation any Servant of the Lord has to be able to manage.

I really hate it when your own people join the demonstration. So I went to visit the artist and we had a conversation regarding future accommodations for his family. Like most artists, he was unstable and way too obsessed with Truth...whatever. Eventually he saw a way to produce a much more pleasing composition.

Visits are something the new guy has to be able to do.