
Stella Funesta

In the year 169BC Stella set up the hottest bordello on the Appian Way; I'll never forget my first visit to her Tuscany hideaway. "After three hundred years," she said. "Just get in here, shut up and fuck me as hard as you can." She always did like poetry.
The chick was double-jointed.
I've got a heart too and it's been broken for three thousand years. Stella told me how she would lock her cousin Artemis in the bathroom when she showed up for music lessons. Her biggest laugh was throwing the bows into the trees outside. She found her way down here before and she could do it again.
She was trying to get over Achilles and some Troy business.
Stella could steer her own warship through rough water all the while causing a Sirius reddish appearance in the men aboard if you know what I mean. See what she did with that guy Pliny?
He was never the same afterwards.
The last time we met I was dreaming about the sea when a FRENZY from a "disturbance" on Circle Three roused me. I was up to my crotch in Sullen and really needed a few laughs - My use for philosophers; Hurried upstairs only to find the place flooding with booze from Two. I don't let the Gluttons below drink; Worse, Two is stirring with Lovers who can't follow Orders.
The sky was trying to consume the Holy Water.
That lovely witch was sitting in the middle of the yard giving everybody a serenade, strumming on her banjo and singing sweet songs to the stars. She was the only person who could drink me under the table; Sometime after she took off for Herodias' palace. 
She knows there's plenty of wardrobe malfunctions with me.
Wherefore I forget you? ... Fear not, beloved. Last I heard she had a villa by the Med with Mary Magdalene and some mortal named Nancy. Oh, well, back to the Revisionist History.