
The Rocket Ship of Theseus

 Imagine the Athenian hero-king appeared in our time. Being a demi-god, he built a space ship capable of ngoing to the edge of our Universe. He believed in the multiverse theory of Cosmology and wanted to go from our realty (universe 1) to another (universe 2). So he blasts off with great ceremony (he's a hero) and soars through the cosmic void whatever reaching the peed of light ( or the edge of realty) and exits our universe 1.

But as soon as Theseus' craft busted through the barrier seperating our universe 1 from universe 2, a particle or atom interacts with, binds to, entangles or merges into particke(s) or atom)s) of the rocket ship. Possible results:

  1. The rocket becomes part of universe 2
  2. the rocket becomes universe 3
  3. the rocket ceases to exist
  4. universe 1 and universe 2 and the rocket all merge into universe 3
  5. nothing happens; Theseus even lands on a nice planet with stores carrying rocket parts and upgrades and repairs his ship for the trip home.
  6. everything disappears (vaporizes, disintegrates, whatever)
Seriously; What can be said about any of these outcomes based on string theory or any motivation for the multiverse concept.?